Thursday, August 19, 2010

Yes, we have no Obamas

I hear so much about why we are in trouble and how we need to dig ourselves out of the recession that I swear one can hire an expert to confirm anything one wants confirmed. Finally, however, a pattern is emerging that has most pundits in agreement. Namely, we exercised panicky knee-jerk reactions through this and that finger-in-the-dike monetary and fiscal measure without regard to the long term. Our salvation can only come through a reasoned, workable and manageable long-term plan that will measurably and demonstrably reduce the national debt. The plan should also act to initiate the process of confidence building in government's ability to lead the economy and control spending.

This seems like a reasonable solution and one that would garner favor among the masses in spite of inevitable sacrifices that will need to be made. However, I continue to fret over the possibility of losing sight of other priorities of a less savory nature. Namely, tort reform, term limits, tax reform, defense spending cuts, and measures to control the overweening lust for power and wealth of those managing our financial institutions. These priorities collectively demonstrate the extent to which our basic power institutions have gone ballistic with respect to spending, entitlement and entrenchment. Once dealt with, immediate attention is needed to upgrade our educational systems and redefine the dysfunctional relationships that now prevail between teachers, students and parents. Nor can we neglect to redefine the role of labor unions with a view toward rationalizing legitimate employee demands with economic realities.

Great news; O is pulling out of Iraq. Wait a minute, the last convoy just crossed over into Kuwait. Can we expect that remaining soldiers will eventually leave without the security of a convoy? How can there still be thousands of soldiers remaining if we have just pulled the combatants out? Are we about to seriously commit to hiring mercenaries and civilians to fight and administer our wars? Was hiring mercenaries not a primary reason for the demise of empires?

Our entire military complex needs a remake from top to bottom. Defense Secretary Gates has just come up with a cut and slash plan to bring the military back to earth. Fareed Zukaria did a super expose on military spending and military excesses that would seem to not only justify, but mandate, huge spending reductions along with a major effort to render the military more efficient and effective and considerably less self serving. Strange, Defense Secretary Gates also announced his intention to resign next year. I trust that what looks very much like a hit and run maneuver will not crater for lack of continuity and determination. We shall see, but I am not optimistic, nor do I expect to see financial reform, tax reform, tort reform, union controls, improved education and term limits. I do believe we are out of control and require something devastating to bring us back to reality.

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