Sunday, December 12, 2010

Norwegian Nobel Numtpties.

As I write the BBC World News has been showing for what seems 2 years an address by an astoundingly ugly and mind-numbingly boring old bat called Liv summat who once appeared in a film 200 years ago banging on about human rights in China.

This is the Nobel Peace Prize that we all remember was awarded to Obama within a few minutes of assuming office, presumably on the grounds that he had not started a war in that time (and had not done anything else then – or since).

The BBC has reverted to its role of institutional uselessness by taking the whole of its news time to report this Norwegian farce, when the lead story in the rest of the meeja is the astounding breach of security anent the Prince of Wales which could have seen old Chuck taken out by a lefty loony.

We are at a loss to understand how the internal affairs of China are anything to do with Norway or the Nobelistas.

If Assanje gets the cheque next year when he is in an American pen, will the Numpties criticise the Yanks for human rights abuses?

I think we should be told!

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