‘We must roll back the
frontiers of the State’ was the clarion-call from a precocious, pudgy,
pudding-basin coiffed 16-year old William Hague at the Tory Party conference
all those years ago. He has not done much about it since.
There is a strong feeling in
the US and UK (but not in dirigiste
Europe) that the state ‘has grown, is growing, and ought to be diminished’. The
feeling is a tad inchoate. There is not much idea on how to achieve it. The Tea Party doesn’t concern it with such
niceties. It simply wants to roll the clock back to the19th Century when the
Federal State was so small it had not even introduced income tax and the good
ol’ boys could get on with their lives without ever coming into contact with
officialdom. They may not realise this but it makes them disciples of Karl Marx
part of whose philosophy was that under communism the central state would
largely wither away along with capitalism as the workers took control of their
own destiny. So Sarah’s really a commie.
No use looking to the Land of
the Free for solutions: it is an over-regulated swamp, over-governed with
myriads of official bodies the purpose of which is, in many cases, totally
opaque, plus vested interests such as agricultural subsidies designed for poor
farmers during the Great Depression being grabbed by agribusiness, plus
over-mighty public service unions that plunder the revenues.
To find a cure for over-government
we must first find the cause.
And it’s not Them. It’s Us.
We constantly insist that
government should do more –‘They should do something about it’ is the plaintiff
cry in almost any situation. We want bigger, better and more services. We have
become welfare junkies. The Welfare State was largely conceived by the Webbs
way back in Edwardian times, but its real father, Beveridge, was the architect.
His concept was a safety net. Welfare has since become a lifestyle choice. We
have created a dependency culture that creates entire nuclear families in which
nobody has done a tap of work since leaving school. We are now told that 56% of
taxpayers take more money out of the system than they put in. Half the country
is grub-staking the other half.
Iain Duncan Smith’s reforms are
a start to putting things back in order, but they go nothing like far enough.
The cut-off point for benefits is £24,000 a year. This is the average wage (not
the minimum). Not much incentive to work there, then. A family nearby lives
courtesy of welfare in a large expensive house currently on the market for
around £800,000. There are 5 adults all living on benefits. If they are drawing
at the ’cap’, that’s £120,000 going into the household. They each have a car.
Politicians of all stripes
know that this is unsustainable and something must be done. The trouble is that
they have yet to figure out how to get re-elected afterwards.
It does not have to be this
way. Elsewhere they do things differently.
In parts of Asia social
services are not delivered by Government
but by NGOs specifically set up for the purpose and which are subject to
very stringent performance ratings. If they fail to meet them the funding is
cut off and they lose their jobs. In
Singapore welfare is funded by a levy of 20% on wages and 15.5% on the
employer. What you get out is what you put in.
In the Nordic countries, the
smug socialism ran out of money. Reform moved from desirable to necessary or
bankruptcy was certain to follow. A system in which income tax could exceed
100% had no alternative.
There has been a revolution
in social welfare.
Pension funds have been put
on a defined-contribution basis in place of defined-benefit. Most education is
provided by in dependent schools with a voucher system for parents so that they
have a choice. Much of health-care has been privatised, and there is a small
charge for treatment. The retirement age has been raised to 67. Taxes have been
slashed, productivity increased as people return to the work-force, and the
Scandinavian economies are amongst the strongest in the world.
Like it or not, radical
change must come to Britain. Leviathan can be cut down to size.
But we have to get our snouts
out of the ‘eat all you can’ running buffet.
As Maggie was wont to say
‘there is no alternative!’
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