Wednesday, November 12, 2014

'Fair blow the winds'...for UKIP!

‘See how the fates their gifts allot,
For some are happy, some are not!’
Nigel Farage is a happy one. The fates seem to be smiling on him. The political winds have been favourable to him for months.
They have been squalls for Dave and tempests for Red Ed (although in truth the limp-wristed plotters only managed a gentle zephyr).
The European Arrest Warrant debate was a shambles, a catastrophic farce , a piece of gerrymandering that came badly unstuck. It showed yet again that Government promises are porkies. Now the debate has been shifted to the day before the Rochester by-election.
This what Farage said about it:
David Cameron PROMISED a House of Commons a vote on the European Arrest Warrant last night. Guess what? He lied. AGAIN.
This government has consistently treated the British people with contempt. Even the Conservative Party's own Members of Parliament accused it of "deception", and Speaker Bercow, with whom I rarely agree, called it a "sorry saga". He was right.
Jacob Rees-Mogg MP said it was "fundamentally underhand" while Bill Cash MP said it was a "disgraceful way of going about a very important matter".
Because the government has acted in this way, the British public will likely be dragged back into the European Arrest Warrant, without so much as a vote for our democratic representatives.
And yet the Tories want you to believe they are tough on Europe.
Nobody was fooled by the claim of a great  victory over the €2 billion heist by Brussels. Everyone knows that the  ‘reduction’ was paid out of the UK’s rebate – our own money!
And another thing….
The foreign  political advisors brought in by both main parties fail to understand an important part of the British character; we heartily dislike ‘knocking copy’, the sort that aims to promote its product by rubbishing a competitor’s, as if Ford were to plug the Focus by saying that the Golf was a clunker.
‘Attack’ ads that foul the American election campaigns don’t work here. Whenever the Tories or Labour try to dig the dirt on UKIP, its share of the vote increases.  The attempt to smear Farage for associating with a Polish wife-beater solely for money reasons backfired badly when Private Eye exposed the fact that the Euro-Tories have got into bed with a whole bunch of Nazis, Fascists and anti-Semites (but cold-shoulder the AvD, the German moderate anti-Euro group).
The Telegraph continues to rant against UKIP, sometimes with three separate comment pieces on a single day. Their Socialist scribbler, Dan Hodges, becomes more apoplectic day on day. It has yet to learn that ‘the only bad publicity is your own obituary’.
And trust the EU to put the cherry on top.
Its decision to ban advertising of harmless e-cigarettes will hand another 2 million Brexit voters to UKIP.
To end with more of WS Gilbert’s lyric:
‘For Nigel’s happy, oh so happy;
Laughing ha-ha, chaffing ha-ha, nectar-quaffing ha-ha-ha’.
Pints of Greene King Abbott all round for UKIP supporters.



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