In response to this type of hype, a major benefactor of Jeb
Bush has loudly promised to vote for Hillary Clinton should Trump win the
nomination. All the candidates are so full of dirt that nobody has the moral
high ground.
Meanwhile, the American public is standing by for the next episode
of terror attack. After so many shootings here in the USA whether terror
inspired or not, our dear leader and his minions has come down hard in favor of
gun control. Ted Cruz, the ultra-conservative Republican candidate from Dallas
Texas has his own solution. Namely, more guns in the hands of ‘good guys’ who
would act to shoot the ‘bad guys’.
Our understanding of human behavior has not progressed
beyond Hollywood versions of ‘bad guys’ wearing black hats and looking
seriously grumpy. Yet the carnage goes on and on with every expectation of
those weekly episodes materializing.
Greater attention has been given by Washington this week to
climate change than to the antics of mad Americans and radicalized terrorists.
We are told that we need to create a resilient (the latest buzzword) world
capable of reacting to human efforts geared toward undoing the environmental
damage that we are all so guilty of perpetrating. Simple mention of the term
climate change sends everyone on this side of the ocean into hysteria.
There has yet to be a rational debate on the issue as the
prime movers on the national scene would much prefer to troll for political
gain by condemning those responsible for heating up the atmosphere. Like
increases in arms and ammunition sales when gun control is mentioned, people in
the alternative energy business are flogging their wares every time the subject
of global warming arises. And they seem to be making lots of money in the
The good news is that Dave Camron got his way to upgrade his
airpower against ISIS. Retrospectively, there seems little doubt that he would
not have. The campaigning and vote was rather heavily dramatized here in the
US. Many observers here believe it only a matter of time before the Western
coalition puts some serious boots on the ground. The number of Yank special
forces and trainers is creeping upward as is their mandate to engage the enemy
under certain conditions.
We are told the ‘bad
guys’ are taking to tunnels and caves when the bombs start to fall. There is
also news of falling numbers of ISIS recruits and one bright spark noted that
these numbers will fall even further with each allied battle victory.
Is this the beginning of the end?
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