Sunday, July 10, 2016

Taking over TIGMOO!

With all eyes on the Tory shoo-in, the chatterati are not noticing what is going on in This Great Movement of Ours.
Corbyn and comrades dream of yesterday, the golden age when Red Ken was busy destroying the GLC, and providing pubic largess to every group of loonies looking for cash, on the principle that if you get enough minorities in the bag , you have a majority
These are nasty people. They have no wish to get a Commons majority. That is far too bourgeois. They want to ensure that every part of the body politic is controlled by Corbyn’s Commissars and fully compliant with the Communist Manifesto. The strategy is to infiltrate Trade Unions, local councils, fellow-travelling Socialist strongholds like the NUT.
They hark back to the glorious days of the 60’s and 70’s, when Governments danced to Arthur Scargill’s tune. Red Robbo could bring an entire industry to a standstill, Del-boy Hatton brought Liverpool City Council to the verge of bankruptcy, and the heavy industrial areas became rust-belts.
Revolutionaries? They are as reactionary as it is possible to get
Momentum is the offspring of Militant Tendency. ‘Entryism’, Trotsky’s concept of taking over a political party and subverting it from the inside was the method. Corbyn knows all about it; he was one of the originals forty years ago, when ‘loony left’ had become a cliché.
The target is the Labour Party itself; by taking over local branches they can control the party. They know from experience how easy it is; party members rarely attend meetings in any numbers, so outvoting them is no big problem. Then to the main task of deselecting sitting MPs and replacing them with the ideologically pure. Their dream would be the abolition of fixed-term parliaments; no more General Elections!.  In the world of Marx and Trotsky, the party never gives up power.
There is nothing remotely new about Corbynism
It’s just déjà vu all over again!

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