Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mr Grumpy here...........

Here we are, at the beginning of another round of serious campaigning for the presidency of the US and all I want to do is either yawn or scream. Mitt Romney is still leading the pack of Republicans. He is the yawn part. A talking head. Coming up fast is Michele Bachman, born in Iowa, representing Minnesota in Congress and a born again Christian. She is the scream part. All she can come up with are tired sound bytes critical of Obama. She can't win, but is only making a hit during the famous Iowa Caucuses which kick's off the political marching season for the next year and a quarter.

Bachman spawned five kids and along with her husband provided foster care for another 23- all teenage girls. She is smart, a graduate of William and Mary law school, and she is holy. Her religious views are applied Evangelical Luthern which compel her to place all actions and issues in some sort of biblical context.  Between her and Jesus, anything can be accomplished. She received her first law degree from Oral Roberts University.

Oral was one of our first grandstanding evangelicals who pioneered Sunday morning television services. He went on to establish Oral Roberts University in Oklahoma. He became second only to Billy Graham in Protestant popularity which was fueled by a commitment to charismatic Christianity and revival meetings featuring faith healing. Much of the latter was practiced on schedule every Sunday morning.
Michele is not easily intimidated gfiven her intimate relationship with the Lord and her unflagging belief in His and her power. She is a founder member of the Tea Partya in the House of Representatives  practicing fiscal conservatism as if she were on steroids.

She will undoubtedly win the Iowa straw poll, and will doubtlessly decline in subsequent tests beginning with the New Hampshire primary early in 2012. Her ranting and raving and public display of religion will not set well with the old-style New England conservatives. Yet, she may be preferable to the latest contender, our very own Rick Perry.

The son of a share cropper, Perry conned his way to the top. Full of himself and self-confidence, he reminds one of an over-aged member of a college fraternity. His announcement this morning that he would enter the race surprised nobody. He did come across smooth and sweet and well-spoken, all of which he is not. He must have rehearsed for days. Impromptu speaking is not his strong suit, indeed, I am not sure what is. He is always seeking to hit home runs and seldom pulls it off.

He has been implicated in a few major scandals involving the use and probable abuse of his power as Governor. Above all, he epitomizes the type of politician that seeks office to advance his personal agenda. The American public claims to be sick and tired of these types of politicians, but yet we vote them back into office time and again.

In fairness, Perry presided over some beneficial legislation regarding tort reform. Under his watch, limits were established on law suit damages and the principle of 'loser pays' in cases of civil litigation.

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