Friday, October 21, 2011

Obama beats Gadaffi....

So there was Obama on TV thanking the brave men and women of the US forces for their great victory in Libya. He also managed about four words to indicate that some others were also involved.

Except that there were 20 countries making a military contribution, most NATO some not.

From the outset, Obama was clear that US participation would be ‘low key’.

The heavy lifting was done by the British and French who carried out most of the air-strikes.

So, to the tune of ‘Mademoiselle from Armentieres’, altogether now:

 ‘It wasn’t the Yanks who won the war,
It wasn’t the Yanks who won the war,
It wasn’t the Yanks who won the war,
The Brits and Frogs were there before.
Inky, pinkie parley-vous!’

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