Thursday, February 28, 2013

Obama: a headless chicken.......

POTUS gives every indication of running around with only half his senses. He has had a bad start to his second term and his problems are far from over.
The weak acceptance of Chuck Hagel as SOD should  have taken its toll on O who undoubtedly hoped would contribute to a blue ribbon team of new cabinet members. Chuck did so badly in his appearance before the Senate Armed Services Committee that many are surprised he was even willing to show his face.  
And now O has to worry about the sequester eating his lunch. In a childlike manner, O has gone around the US warning everyone that the sequester will result in reductions in police, firemen, and other locally funded personnel knowing full well that such people are not on the national payroll.
O is making a bit of an ass out of himself and for no good reason. To cap all this off, some 900 illegal alien petty criminals were just released from detention on the grounds that the sequester has cut available funds; this was done by Janet Napolitano, SOHS nearly a week before the sequester is expected to begin.
Meanwhile, the politically correct right and left is having fits over FLOTUS opening the envelope announcing the Oscar winner for best picture of 2012. Most Americans could care less who opens the silly envelope, but in this case the media is giving considerable attention to those few who believe such activity is un-first lady like.
Our new SOS is as lackluster as he was when he campaigned for POTUS against W some eight years ago. Interestingly, it was John Kerry who introduced O to the US when O delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention that year.
I wonder if there is such a thing as SOS fatigue with our people traveling all over the world putting on dog and pony shows. I can hear foreign dignitaries saying something like of God, here comes the SOS again and we have to jump through hoops of fire to get the menu, protocol, accommodations, security, and agenda right.

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