Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Leveson, the NHS, and the BBC...........

Being a retired rustic expat, I sometimes have difficulty in what is happening in the Great Wen across the Irish Sea.
At this time there is a clutch of ex-editors, hacks, coppers, civil servants and whatnot facing trial and the prospect of a diet of porridge as the haul from the Leveson Inquiry.
The alleged offences revolve around the giving or receiving of money or favours in return for revealing information about the goings-on amongst the great and good (or not, as the case may be).
At the same time we are getting almost daily revelations of money being paid to public servants for concealing information that might otherwise be in the public interest. The NHS is a serial offender (and also has an appalling record of sacking whistle-blowers).
Now it seems that the BBC is up to its neck in the same scam.
Now, here is what I can’t quite understand.
If it is a crime to pay or receive money to reveal information, is it not also a crime to pay or receive far greater sums to conceal it?
I think we should be told.

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