foibles are beginning to accumulate to the point where even steadfast democrats
are abandoning ship. Political talk has sharply turned to his successor. If he
has his way, it would not be Hillary as the now famous Clinton-Obama feud makes
the Hatfield and McCoy bust up look like a girl scout picnic.
For her part,
Hillary is doing everything in her power to alienate the public. In a recent
effort to associate with the hoi palloi, she droned on about how poor she and
Bill were after he finished his second term as President. That ploy of
hers has since come back to bite here in the bum. Her new book, Hard Choices,
has been a total flop as her incredibility rating continues to soar.
O is busy laughing off efforts to bring him back down to earth. He is being
sued by the Speaker of the House, he is under several threats of impeachment,
his health care program is in the toilette, his foreign policy is crumbling and
his domestic policy needs serious housekeeping. His defense of the past six
years in office is a cornucopia of platitudes generally delivered from the golf
course or basketball court.
He is soon to be off on a three week holiday at
Martha's Vineyard where the Obamas will be living in a palatial residence fit
for billionaires and above. While most Americans don't disdain his wealth,
they heavily castigate the manner in which he makes use of government funds and
services to enhance his lifestyle. Whatever popularity he enjoys is largely
from his super cool image typical of individuals who have nothing more to offer
the world than a personality disorder.
Romney is making sounds to the effect that he will
make another attempt to contest the presidency. This is after
he, and more emphatically his wife, proclaimed that he would never run again
for this office. To my mind he remains unelectable even though he is leading
the polls of republican hopefuls by a wide margin.
Chris Christie, the Governor
of New Jersey, is a distant second.
And would you believe, running last is a
new name of the roster, Jeb Bush. Critics claim that Jeb's run will be futile
owing to a massive case of Bush fatigue in America. His supporters claim he is
far and away the best Bush yet. Also, being wed to an Hispanic woman brings
substantial Hispanic support to the table.
This is something that has been
sorely missing among republican contenders and indeed among republicans in general.
They just can't seem to bring themselves around to courting anyone of colour.
Translated into political terms, the republicans are facing an uphill battle to
overcome overwhelming demographic odds. In the last election, they lost the
black and Hispanic vote, American youths, liberals and far to many women.
We have another grueling two years of campaigning ahead of us before we can
begin again with the 2020 election.
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