Sunday, January 25, 2015

After Ed; is this the man to watch?

One of the most depressing  features of modern politics is  the rise over the last twenty years of the political clone, educated expensively, top university, never employed outside politics, no other experience, always moving in  the same circles, resident in the Westminster village, a member of an establishment elite. The outcome has been an increasing contempt for  MP’s, distrust of politicians generally, and the general feeling that ‘they don’t understand us. They are not like us’ (perfectly justified).
Thus applies par excellence to the leaders of the three major parties – all public school Oxbridge alumni who have hardly ever earned a penny that was not paid out of the public purse.
The country is crying out for a different sort of politician and especially for a different sort of leader. It craves for a PM of principle; a conviction  politician who is not led by the focus groups or the Red Tops’ headlines. Maggie was the last, and now careerism rules. ‘If you don’t like my principles I have others!’
Is there one amongst the present dismal crop in the Commons capable of delivering a bit of clout to the country’s governance?
Step forward, Major D.O.W Jarvis MBE, MP.
He was largely unknown outside the Westminster village and his Yorkshire constituency until last week when the Daily Telegraph trailed him as a future successor to Ed Miliband.
His CV is quite at odds with those of our political clones.
He has a BA  in International Relations and an MA in Conflict, Security and Development, not a bad academic background for a political career.
He served 15 years in the Parachute Regiment, which has perfectly trained him for currently yomping 15 miles a day  when out canvassing.
He did a tour in Kosovo where he was on General Mike Jackson’s staff, Sierra Leone where our gallant lads were sent to sort out the arm-choppers, Iraq, Afghanistan twice and Northern Ireland.
He clearly has outstanding leadership qualities. The Parachute Regiment is no place for wimps or ditherers. He is unusually respected on all sides of the House, and that’s also unusual in that snake-pit.
His blunt approach to managing affairs is the old 6 p’s military maxim ‘perfect planning prevents piss-poor performance’.
He would make the current crop of Party leaders look like (in the immortal words of Captain Mainwaring) ‘a bunch of nancy boys’.
With his background he would surely attract the disillusioned voter who is tired of the old gang and is looking for a leader who can put a bit of stick about.
It’s early days. Ed is going nowhere yet (in both senses) and Major Jarvis has only been in the House for less than 5 years.
But he could be the one to watch!

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