Saturday, May 18, 2013

Breaking news.......

News is breaking all over the place.
 I will be most interested to follow the price fixing inquiry into Shell and BP and the associated involvement of Cargill and other firms in procuring and sitting on massive quantities of gasoline until prices are sufficiently high to then sell them.
We just caught 15 Palestinians in New York who have long been involved in cigarette smuggling. They were caught with hundreds of thousands of dollars stuffed in plastic bags. The caper involved buying smokes in Virginia where state tobacco taxes are low and flogging them in New York where they are high. There are also suggestions of links to Hamas and other Middle Eastern entities of unsavory repute.
O is generating more news than most countries combined.  His administration has intimidated Americans working in Benghazi during the terrorist attack on our Consulate there into not coming forth with their stories.
The IRS has intimidated right wing groups seeking non-profit company status by making them go through all sorts of delay tactics before being served.
The other big scandal involves the Justice Department's bugging the telephones and obtaining recordings of conversations of Associated Press journalists in Washington DC and other East Coast cities. Some of these conversations were held in the House of Representatives press gallery and may have involved members of congress.
O's first public reaction was to the IRS moves to target and delay right wing groups registering as non-profit organizations. He asked for the resignation of the acting IRS Commissioner; a person who was about to retire anyway. At least this scandal acted to move the mainstream media, ABC, CBS and NBC to abandon their liberal affiliations long enough to actually criticize the administration.

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