Friday, October 7, 2011

Money US elections.

America is in a near permanent state of electioneering. The 2012 campaign is in full swing although we are 13 months away from the next presidential election. Money spent and received by this ridiculous process is at the core of the issue.

Money is the critical factor in winning elections.

States with early election proceedings such as the Iowa caucus, the Florida straw poll, and New Hampshire's first primary all profit from campaign money spent by the candidates. Realizing this potential for state income, New Hampshire's earliest primary date is being pre-empted by at least two other states. Where will it all end?

Another remarkable trend is the growing protests movement against Wall Street. Starting in New York, the protests have expanded along the East Coast and to California. Some say they are inspired and backed by trade unions, while others write them off as capricious youth exercising their liberal sentiments en route to maturity.

In any case, it is about time someone took to task the miscreant behavior of some Wall Street denizens. Recent media comments here indicate a growing disdain for 'over the top' executive salaries with particular contempt for multi-million dollar payoffs to failed and fired executives. The pity is that we need to wait for another generation of American youth to take command with the hope that they will reinstall moral and ethical values in politics and commerce.

‘Money talks
I don’t deny.
I heard it once.
It said ‘Goodbye!’

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