Monday, February 2, 2015

Prairie politics..........

The domestic and international scenes continue their downward spiral. It is hard to imagine that things could be much worse. Folks here on the prairie remain unencumbered by these events and thereby gain a modicum of happiness and contentment in their ignorance.
Their prevailing mantra is for Obama's reign to experience a quick conclusion and for anyone to the right of Louis XIV to sit in his place. Texas' own Ted Cruz would do just fine as would Rand Paul or even Scott Walker, Governor of Wisconsin. The moderate Republicans like Jeb Bush and Chris Christie don't make the grade from the good ol boys perspective.
We won't have Mitt Romney to kick around anymore. He pulled his hat from the ring this week pleading the need for new Republican blood to pick up the mantle of leadership.
The real reason is twofold.
He found himself unable to attract donors and he was a bit gun shy from the beating he took from fellow-Republicans who debated him in the last round of primaries. I believe his wife and family were also lobbying Mitt to not run. Evidently, the last campaign was also very hard on them emotionally and physically. Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas has also decided not to run. That was also wise as he had no chance.
Our undaunted former Governor Rick Perry should also quit the race, but he won't. He is currently facing a weak, but real, felony charge for abuse of power that, along with numerous skeletons in his political closet, will tear him apart when the going gets tough. Even the good ol boys find him an embarrassment.
Meanwhile, Hillary is looking good for the uncontested leadership of the Democratic Party. Yes, there are some wannabes, but she is clearly in the lead. This means she will not have to endure the slings and arrows from her own party as the Republicans will have to do in their struggle up the greasy pole for party leadership.
Clearly, the most ravishing debates in living memory were those of the Republicans in their bid for leadership in the campaign of 2011. There were almost a dozen candidates and most of them indulged in some degree of negative campaigning. The end result was enough dirt on the leading candidates, including Romney, to fill a small book. Nobody could be proud of themselves after such subjugation to ad hominem attacks about their personal, financial and political life. Often, statements candidates made in the past were taken out of context, given a new spin, and pounded back down their throats with extreme prejudice.
It is my understanding that a set of new rules has just been released that are designed to protect candidates from each other. We shall see.


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